21 International Conference for Holistic Vision

Fragment jednego z wystąpień na konferencji na temat automasaży poprawiających wzrok.

Self-massage for better eyesight

We need to make self-massage a part of our daily self-care for the eyes. It’s especially helpful about midway through your eye exercise session – results arc much better in the second half of the session after the massage. Massage reduces visual stress, creates a sense of ease about seeing, and increases circulation to the eyes. It helps you break the bad habits of squinting and frowning when you look at details. For better vision, try to get least 30 minutes of massage to the face alone. Some general guidelines: Glasses and contacts lenses should be removed. Throughout the massage, breathe deeply and slowly in and out through your nose. Use both hands. Begin by rubbing the hands together to warm the fingers. Make sure the wrists remain loose. During massage, your touch should be light, but visualize that the fingers are penetrating deeply.

Stroking along the eyebrow ridge
Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and relax. Stroke gently with your fingertips across the eyebrows, starting at the bridge of the nose and working outward toward, but not on, the temples. As you stroke, stretch the skin and underlying muscle very lightly. As you return to this stroking from time to time throughout your massage to the face, gradually increase the amount of stretch. Perform at least 20 strokes above the eyebrows and 20 on them, avoiding going below the eyebrow ridge.

Finding and relieving the sore spots
As you massage, feel for the grooves in the eyebrows. Find the sore spots. Muscular tension will feel like hard spots under your fingers – they may feel stringy or fibrous. Massage the sore spots, making small circles with your fingertips. Sore spots are often found in the eyebrow area when there is eyestrain related to myopia, glaucoma, or retinal problems; they tend to occur above the bridge of the nose when one eye is dominant.

Massaging the temples
With your eyes closed, stroke your temples very gently to loosen the muscles there. Then, make big circles with your fingertips on your temples.

Skinrolling on the forehead
Pinch a layer of skin and underlying muscle on your forehead and roll it along. Work outward from the midline, then upward from the eyebrow ridge to the scalp. Vary this at times, by skinrolling with one hand while tapping with the other on the skin that is being pulled tight.

Massaging the cheekbone area
Stroke all the way along your cheekbones from nose to ears. Feel the muscles in the area loosening under your fingers. Again, feel for grooves you’ll find more of them towards the cars. Massage the sore spots, making circular movements with your fingertips and applying a little more pressure.

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